Clem and Marj Conole

In Loving Memory of our Nana and Boompa...

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In Loving Memory of Clement Vincent Conole
September 29, 1908 - Binghamton, NY
July 2, 2000 - Placentia, CA
Laid to rest in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Cypress, CA.


Born in the small town of Binghamton, New York, he grew up as the third son of a poor family. He worked as a child and worked his way through Clarkson college at the time of the depression. There he met, fell in love with, and married Marjorie Anable, with whom he spent more than the next six decades.

After college he went on to attain a very distinguished career of public service and many business achievements. His success brought him and his family a better way of life. He served the State of New York, the cities of New York and Philadelphia, several Mayors, Governors, and several Presidents of the United States. His numerous achievements are too many to list each of them.

He was a gentleman, and a gentle man, devoted to his wife and family, and he provided the very best in life for all of them. He was a proud man, proud of his success, proud of his wife, his children, grandchildren, and his great-grandchildren. He was proud to say "I am in my ninty-second year".

Today we pay our respect, say "Good-bye", and "Thank you", to a great man, known to us all as "Daddy", and "Boompa", as he joins his Marj, our Mother and Nana, in their well deserved resting place in Heaven.

And now, we can all see him - dressed in his tux - entering the Grand Ballroom in Heaven, finding her waiting for him. And then, in the background, we hear the music begin with "A one, and a two, and a...

God Saw you getting tired,
And a cure was not to be,
So He put his arms around you,
And whispered "Come to Me".
With tearful eyes we
Watched you suffer,
And saw you fall away.
Although we couldn't bear to lose you,
We could not ask you to stay.
A golden heart stopped beating,
Hardworking hands laid to rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us,
That He only takes the best.

The first-ever licensee for IBM, Clement Conole built a manufacturing and distribution (business) that brought him to the forefront of the new technology explosion in the late 1950's.
Mr. Conole, in conjunction with Franklin Roosevelt, Jr. and later with his son, Richard (Conole), after Roosevelt was elected to Congress, opened 22 manufacturing plants and 57 offices across the country under the name of Business Supplies Corporation of America.
He eventually sold his business to the International Paper Co. and decided to go back to school at age 56. He and his wife, Marjorie, moved to Florida and started work on his Masters Degree in Business at Florida Atlantic University.
Mr. Conole ... (was) still President of the American College of Administrators, Executives and Managers - a business association which he helped found.
This year (1988)... he has been chosen to appear in "Who's Who in the World" again; ... his biographical sketch has appeared in the directory many times over the last 50 years. It first appeared in "Who's Who in Finance and Industry" in 1937 when Mr. Conole was appointed Deputy Industrial Commisioner for the State of New York.
The son of a tailor who emigrated from England at the turn of the century, Mr. Conole said he attributes his success in the business world to the old-fashion values of honesty and integrity which were instilled in him by his father at an early age.
Mr. Conole attended Clarkson College of Technology, then took Graduate courses at Cornell, Yale and New York Universities. His career began in the city engineer's office in his home town of Binghamton where he worked in the highway division. In 1937, he became Assistant State Industrial Commissioner for New York. In 1946, he became an Executive Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade for Philadelphia.
His greatest achievement was when he got the first license to (manufacture and) distribute IBM machine products in 1956 with his company the Business Supplies Corporation of America.

                California Club
                Saturday Night Dance Club
                Leasure World Ballroom Dance Club
                Travel Club
                (Engineers Club)

                My father, P.J. Conole. He was a remarkable person.

                Golf. I've played on every major course in the US. And I love reading.

Proudest Moment:
                The day I got married.

Secret to happiness:
                The greatest source of enjoyment for both my wife and me is our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

~ ~ The Orange County Register, October 6th, 1988 ~ ~

In Loving Memory of Marjorie Ellen Anable Conole
December 23, 1911 - Norwood, NY
August 8, 1999 - Laguna Hills, CA
Laid to rest in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Cypress, CA.


Marjorie Ellen Anable was born almost 88 years ago in the small town of Norwood, in upstate New York, not far from the Canadian border.

Life was hard in those days in that very cold country where there was no central heating, and little communication of what was going on outside that town.

At a young age, she lost her father when he was taken away to a state sanitarium where he succumbed to tuberculosis, and went to work helping her mother cleaning a sorority house at a college in nearby Potsdam, some twenty miles away. There she entered college at Potsdam State Normal School, as they called the Teacher's college back then. She saved what little she earned in a shoe box, hidden in her closet, only to lose it all to a thief. She was also to lose her mother at a young age.

Life was not easy for this young girl in the poor economic days of her youth. One thing kept her going through those difficult years, and she cherished it all her long life.

Her life changed when she met and married Clement V. Conole, a young graduate engineer at Clarkson Collage in Potsdam. His success in business over the next many years took them to many places and a better way of life.

She had four children for whom she was always there, driving them to and from school, always at their convenience, never hers. What ever had to be done for her husband and her children, she did it. She always put them first, believing their life was more important than hers was.

She never forgot what had sustained her in her younger days: It was her belief in God, and her belief in the Catholic Church. She made it her purpose to raise her children under the principals of her faith. She forever believed and followed her wedding vows: to love, cherish, honor, and obey, in sickness and in health, until death did she part. She lived her long life by the rules of the Church and the Ten Commandments, and nobody ever did it better.

She cherished her family and prayed for them all. She worried that something might happen to make things different. She appreciated her life and everything that anyone did for her. Her friends would always speak of her to her children with words like; "You have the most beautiful mother. Your mother is so lovely. She is just so nice and sweet to everyone." Her joy was to have her family with her, and when one had to depart, she showed sadness in her face while saying her parting words, "Be careful".

Now she rests in peace in Heaven, a very special place made just for her. She earned that place by the way she lived her life, every day of it.

She was a very beautiful, loving, gracious, kind, devoted, and appreciative Sister, Wife, Mother, and Nana. No person ever had a better one. We were truly blessed to be able to call her "ours".

Lord, make me an instrument of Your Peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is discord, union;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light, and
Where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we recieve;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.